Cyprus Films

Luxbox boards Maha Haj’s Un Certain Regard title ‘Mediterranean Fever’

Luxbox boards Maha Haj’s Un Certain Regard title ‘Mediterranean Fever’

Paris-based sales company Luxbox has boarded sales on Palestinian director Maha Haj’s second film Mediterranean Fever, which was announced as a fresh addition to Cannes Un Certain Regard section on Thursday (April 21).

At the same time, Dulac Distribution has also announced its acquisition of French rights for the film.

Haj’s debut feature Personal Affairs also world premiered in Un Certain Regard in 2016. 

The new drama revolves around an aspiring but depressed writer living in Haifa who befriends his small-time crook neighbour in the hope he will help him with a sinister scheme.

Celebrated Palestinian theatre actor Amer Hlehel, who has performed in productions with the UK’s Royal Shakespeare Company and Royal Court, stars in his first big-screen lead role after supporting parts in Personal Affairs, and more recently Tel Aviv On Fire and The Stranger.

Other cast members include Ashraf Farah, Anat Hadid, Samir Elias, Cynthia Saleem, Shaden Kanboura

The new film is produced by Palestinian producer Baher Agbariya of Haifa-basedMajdal Films; Juliette Lepoutre and Pierre Menahem at France’s Still Moving, Thanassis Karathanos and Martin Hampel at Germany’s Pallas Film; Marios Piperides and Janine Teerling at Cyprus’ AMP Filmworks, in association with Turkey’s Metafora Production.

Mediterranean Fever is such a subtle piece of work that needs to be handled with special care,” Still Moving’s Juliette Lepoutre and Pierre Menahem said in a joint statement on the choice of Luxbox and Dulac Distribution as partners on the film.

Michel Zana, head of distribution of Dulac Distribution, said the company had been drawn to the film for the way it presents a previously unseen perspective of Palestinian society.

Mediterranean Fever depicts, with a rejoicing dark humour the existential crisis of a middle-aged father, wannabe writer, and his unexpected friendship with his small-time crook neighbour,” said Zana. 

Luxbox, which is co-headed by Fiorella Moretti Hédi Zardi, is gearing up for a busy Cannes with other titles on its slate including Directors’ Fortnight selections Under The Fig Trees and 1976

”It’s very inspiring to work on a film with such freedom of tone and such personal humour. It’s important to share and spread the voice of this female director who traces a very personal cinematic path,” they said. 

Embryo Larva Butterfly - Les Arcs Work in Progress

We are very happy to announce that our film "Embryo Larva Butterfly" written and directed by Kyros Papavassiliou has been selected for this year's Les Arcs Film Festival Work in Progress! See you in The Alps!

Smuggling Hendrix in Austria!!

Smuggling Hendrix in Austria!!

After a small break, Smuggling Hendrix journey continues with another theatrical release! In cinemas across Austria from July 10th!

Thank you FILMLADEN!

Torna a casa, Jimi! Press Releases and Reviews

...una gran bella sorpresa, un film che lancia un messaggio profondo e serissimo attraverso la leggerezza di un’avventura paradossalmente rocambolesca.

… un piccolo e prezioso gioiello che invita ad abbattere i confini attraverso l’unione, la collaborazione e la coesistenza pacifica.

Una deliziosissima commedia, assolutamente da vedere, che mostra le assurdità delle guerre, delle invasioni, della politica degli umani, attraverso la storia di un cane che si perde a Cipro… Piperides, vincitore al Tribeca Film Festival per questa buffa, ingegnosa e arguta commedia, con ritmo, con un linguaggio chiaro e semplice scandito da dialoghi pungenti, è riuscito a catturare l’assurdità e la tragedia di una complicata situazione politica.

Decisamente un buon debutto nel mondo del lungometraggio per Marios Piperides... riesce a sfruttare in modo coinvolgente, e senza essere didascalico, la leggerezza della commedia per arrivare a fare della seria critica sociale.

Variety: “Cyprus Joins the Battle for Foreign Filmmakers”

“Cyprus offers a cash rebate or tax credit of up to 35% on qualifying local spending for feature films, TV series, animation, documentaries and other projects that promote Cyprus and its culture, provided they meet certain financial criteria and pass a cultural test."

Honorable Mention for Smuggling Hendrix at the 30th Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival!

Honorable Mention for Smuggling Hendrix at the 30th Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival!

“This droll comedy captures the absurdity and tragedy of a complicated political situation”  

SEE Cinema Network: AMP Filmworks Puts Cyprus on Film Map

AMP Filmworks Puts Cyprus on Film Map

Italy, Repubblica Interview - Smuggling Hendrix

Un cane nella Cipro divisa fra greci e turchi: con 'Torna a casa Jimi' la commedia si fa politica

Variety - Smuggling Hendrix Review

Variety - Smuggling Hendrix Review

A great review of Smuggling Hendrix by Variety, one of the industry's most respected trade magazines: "a delightful, droll, and intelligent comedy, which captures the absurdity and tragedy of a complicated political situation"

Βραβευμένοι στην Tribeca: “Φυγαδεύοντας τον Χέντριξ”

Η κυπριακή ταινία Smuggling Hendrix απέσπασε το βραβείο Καλύτερης Ταινίας στο διεθνές φεστιβάλ της Tribeca και -ούτε λίγο ούτε πολύ- έδωσε μια ώθηση στο σύνολο της κυπριακής κινηματογραφίας.