Short Synopsis

Aref, a Lebanese farmer, moves to Europe with his son Nabil to set up a small business growing saffron, the most expensive of all spices, "red gold".

Nabil, lively and cultured, is the brains of the operation. His father, although unfailingly kind and gentle, is illiterate, a little strange and offbeat.

When disaster strikes the small plantation and causes a serious accident, Aref is discovered to possess a mysterious healing power that he himself was unaware of.

While this power may seem miraculous, it also arouses the hostility and jealousy of some of the local inhabitants. However, all Aref wants, is for the flowers of red gold to open...


Director: Camille Vidal-Naquet

Screenplay: Camille Vidal-Naquet & Laurent Lunetta

Producers: Emmanuel Giraud, Janine Teerling, Marios Piperides

Production Manager: Zenon Hadjipavlou

Production Coordinator: Dimitra Papouri

Production Designer: Marios Neocleous

Director's Bio/Filmography

Camille Vidal-Naquet is a French writer/director. After obtaining his Master Degree in Literature, he directed an experimental short film in sign language, followed by two short fictions. His debut feature “Sauvage” premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in 2018, where it won the Rising Star Award and subsequently travelled to festivals and screens worldwide, receiving rave reviews in the press. “Aref” will be his second feature film.

Original title: Aref

International title: Aref

Duration: 100 mins

Format: 4K

Sound: Dolby Digital

Year: 2025

Original Language: French, Arabic, Greek

Countries of Production: France, Cyprus

Production Companies: Les Films de La Croisade, AMP Filmworks

With support of: Creative Europe - Media Desk


Pyramide Distribution